Body Massage

couples deep tissue massage​

Benefits of spa couple experience

Couple massage therapies are a great option for couples who are at the initial stage of the love and who don’t want to stay away from each other even for a second. So Thai Lotus Bodywork has formulated spa deals for couples with love as prime factor, including hot bath, special massage oil for couples, two glasses of wine with blueberries, and post-massage relaxation. All these aspects enhance the quality of the treatment. Besides, you can also support your companion and tell him/her what should be taken during the bodywork. As a result, both of you can have fun along with spending quality time together.

In this way, you can make your weekend, Valentine’s Day or a simple day, very special. You can enjoy   couples massage with wine, couples massage with champagne, or Valentine’s Day couples massage. Another great deal is to enjoy a couples massage retreat in the same room and introduce your partner who never had treatment before.

On the other hand, some people feel shy about the massage therapy. But if they go through this bodywork along with their partner, they feel and accept it comfortably.

In other scenario, you may be willing to spend extra time with one of your family members like your mother, sister or brother and nothing is more luxurious than spending quality time at best couples massage spa Chicago.


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