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Traditional Chinese Medicine

Chinese traditional medicines are considered more effective in treating different kinds of chronic and other diseases. The healing properties of these medicines are still being utilized by many people all over the world. In Chinese traditional medicine treatment mainly natural materials such as plants, herbals and minerals are used. These herbs and minerals have healing properties and have essential medical significance. Most of the elements in traditional Chinese medicine have a long history of providing sufficient and reliable health benefits. They are considered the primary weapon in the prevention and treatment of diseases. This is an integral part of Chinese traditional healing culture.

Basic review Traditional Chinese Medicine

Instead of trying allopathic medicines, there are many people who prefer natural & traditional Chinese medicines. Chinese traditional medicines are known as the best remedies for most of the diseases. Treatments and medicines’ names are associated with a change in the era and the difference in location. In general, the name of medicines in Chinese traditional medicine mainly depends on the place of its origin, specific features, type, form, smell, and the main component, which are used as the main component for the preparation of the medicine.  The name of the medicines also depends on the healing properties of the medicinal product.

While treating an illness, the effectiveness of  medicine is primarily determined by the function of the drug itself. Secondly, it also has a direct connection with the processing means. Processed drugs in Chinese traditional medicine are much better and more convenient in their use. They reduce the level of toxicity and irritation of the body. Sometimes, by mixing up with other components, it improves and modifies the overall effects and even medicine properties itself better meets the clinical requirements. Treatment methods, in general, can be divided into four categories: conventional treatment, treatment with water, fire, and medication with water and fire.

Diagnostics in traditional Chinese medicine

The method of diagnosis while treating with traditional Chinese medicine consists of four basic concepts: visual examination of the patient, hearing complaints and analysis with the help of hearing and smell, questioning the patient about his feelings, probing the pulse and palpation method.

Visual inspection & Auscultation

This method includes the examination of the general condition of the patient. Thus, doctors will learn about the patient’s condition. The doctor hears and observes the variation occur in the body due to the sickness. For example, there will be variations in the voice, breath, movements, thinking ability and other symptoms present in the patient. Through this procedure, the doctor also learns about the condition of his patient.


The doctor asks the patient questions regarding his general condition and finds out the cause and course of the ailment. There will be questions about the causes and progression of the disease, factors preceding the development of the disease, the treatment process and the history of the disease. Thus, the doctor’s summaries the information obtained and makes a picture of the course and development of the disease in a patient. As the final stage, the doctor learns about the causes and factors in the development of the disease in a patient and, based on these data, prescribes a specific treatment.

Palpation and palpation

The doctor finds out about the patient’s condition by testing his pulse. These four diagnostic methods are still widely used at present. It’s an important argument in the statement of the diagnosis and further treatment of the patient with Chinese traditional medicine and massage.

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